Category: Finance

Zarvic Brothers, LLC is interested in taking an active position in the control and management of Metalico, Inc. and is seeking shareholder participation in blocking the Metalico, Inc. sale to Total Merchant.

After careful analysis and review of the Total Merchant buyout of Metalico Inc at a price of 60 cents per share. Zarvic Brothers has concluded this does not enhance the position of the shareholders economically. Zarvic Brothers has communicated with a group that is interested to acquire select Metalico locations.

Zarvic Brothers, due to demand, is launching an additional commercial real estate fund.
A new multi strategy investment fund structured by Zarvic Brothers (ZB) will allow individual investors the opportunity to participate within the fund that will focus on distressed assets such as publicly traded companies, private companies, and commercial real estate, and the restructuring of commercial leases.

Nicholas Stirpe of Zarvic Brothers has announced the formation of Metalico (MEA) Shareholder Committee.
ZarVic Brothers LLC will offer senior secured notes at 8% due 2020 to institutional and private investors. The notes will pay interest annually the first year, then quarterly there after.
ZarVic Brothers LLC will privately offer senior secured notes at 8% due 2020 to qualified institutional and private investors. The notes will pay interest annually the first year, then quarterly there after.
Who's interested in high yields with no risk? Stupid question, usually the higher reward means higher the risk. But is a no risk zero hedge investment option really available? Yes!!! and it's a much lower investment commitment, and 100% transparent.
ZarVic primarily originates, invests in, acquires and manages performing commercial real estate mortgage loans, subordinate financing, bridge loans, and other commercial real estate-related debt investments throughout the U.S.